Structural reflection and shrewd cardinals (Abstract, Slides).
Vienna - Research Seminar - 29/10/2020.
Small models, large cardinals and induced ideals (Abstract, Slides).
Chemnitz - DMV Jahrestagung 2020 - Section: Mathematical Logic - 16/09/2020.
The complexity of club filters (Abstract, Slides).
Bristol - 5th Workshop on Generalised Baire Spaces - 03/02/2020.
Definable pathological sets (Abstract, Slides).
Bristol - Logic and Set Theory Seminar - 26/11/2019.
Definable bistationary sets (Abstract, Slides).
Prague - 16th International Congress on Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science and Technology - 08/09/2019.
Definability in mathematics (Abstract, Slides).
Saarbrücken - Research Seminar - 07/09/2019.
Simple definitions of complicated sets (Abstract, Slides, Video).
Vienna - Research Seminar - 05/02/2019.
Squares, ascent paths, and chain conditions (Abstract, Slides).
Münster - Logik Kolloquium - 05/04/2018.
Simply definable failures of weak compactness (Abstract, Slides).
Turin - Incontro Italiano Insiemi e Modelli 2018 - 02/22/2018.
Partition properties for simply definable colourings (Abstract, Slides).
Budapest - 6th European Set Theory Conference - 07/05/2017.
Σ1-partition properties (Abstract, Slides).
Bristol - Logic and Set Theory Seminar - 02/14/2017.
Ascending paths and large antichains in products (Abstract, Slides).
Barcelona - Workshop on Set-theoretical aspects of the model theory of strong logics - 09/30/2016.
Forcings that characterize large cardinals (Abstract, Slides).
Hamburg - Colloquium Logicum 2016 - 09/12/2016.
The infinite productivity of Knaster properties (Abstract, Slides).
Leeds - Logic Colloquium 2016 - 08/02/2016.
What is an automorphism tower? (Slides).
Bonn - Basic Notions Seminar - 07/06/2016.
Simple formulas defining complicated sets (Abstract, Slides).
Braunschweig - Joint DMV and GAMM Annual Meeting, Section: Algebra, logic and set theory - 03/08/2016.
Ascending paths and forcings that specialize higher Aronszajn trees (Abstract, Slides).
Münster - Oberseminar Mengenlehre - 01/15/2016.
Characterizing large cardinals in terms of layered partial orders (Abstract, Slides).
Hamburg - DMV Jahrestagung: Minisymposium Set Theory - 09/23/2015.
Lightface Σ11-subsets of ω1ω1 (Abstract, Slides).
Hamburg - Hamburg Workshop on Set Theory 2015 - 09/20/2015.
Chain conditions, layered partial orders and weak compactness (Abstract, Slides, Video).
Cambridge - 5th European Set Theory Conference - 08/27/2015.
Chain conditions, layered partial orders and weak compactness (Abstract).
Münster - Oberseminar Mengenlehre - 06/18/2015.
Fragments of the forcing theorem for class forcings (Abstract, Slides).
Turin - Advanced logic seminar - 05/08/2015.
Generalized Baire spaces and closed Maximality Principles (Abstract, Slides).
New York - Set theory seminar - 03/20/2015.
Representing sets of cofinal branches as continuous images (Abstract, Notes).
Freiburg i. Br. - Oberseminar Mathematische Logik - 11/19/2014.
The influence of closed maximality principles on generalized Baire spaces (Abstract, Slides).
Amsterdam - Amsterdam Workshop on Set Theory 2014 - 11/03/2014.
Infinite fields with free automorphism groups (Abstract, Slides).
Neubiberg - Colloquium Logicum 2014 - 09/05/2014.
Locally definable well-orders (Abstract, Slides).
Vienna - Logic Colloquium 2014 - 07/18/2014.
Simple definitions for complicated subsets of H(ω2) (Slides).
Bristol - Inner and Outer Model Theory - 07/06/2014.
Infinite fields with large free automorphism groups (Abstract, Slides).
Będlewo - 7th Young Set Theory Workshop - 05/13/2014.
Continuous images of closed sets in generalized Baire spaces (Abstract, Slides).
Vienna - ESI Workshop: Forcing and Large Cardinals - 09/26/2013.
Specializing Aronszajn trees and square sequences by forcing (Abstract, Slides).
Barcelona - 4th European Set Theory Conference - 07/16/2013.
Free groups and automorphism groups of infinite fields (Abstract, Slides).
Bristol - Logic and Set Theory Seminar - 12/03/2012.
The influence of closed maximality principles on generalized Baire spaces (Abstract, Slides).
Münster - MALOA Set Theory Research Workshop - 10/27/2012.
How tall is the automorphism tower of a centerless group? (Slides).
Paderborn - PhD Colloquium of the Colloquium Logicum 2012 - 09/14/2012.
Σ11-definability at uncountable regular cardinals (Abstract, Slides).
Warsaw - Trends in Set Theory - 07/09/2012.
The automorphism tower problem (Abstract, Slides).
Bonn - Oberseminar mathematische Logik - 11/02/2011.
Automorphism groups and set theory (Slides).
Münster - SFB-Conference - 07/11/2011.
The height of the automorphism tower of a centreless group (Abstract, Slides).
Mülheim an der Ruhr - Groups and Model Theory - 05/31/2011.
The set-theoretic essence of automorphism towers (Abstract, Slides).
Brussels - PhDs in Logic III - 02/18/2011.
Descriptive set theory at uncountable cardinals - Δ11-subsets of κκ (Abstract, Slides).
Bonn - Oberseminar mathematische Logik - 12/13/2010.