RG Analysis and Partial Differential Equations
V4B5: Real and Harmonic Analysis (summer term 2020)
- Prof. Dr. Christoph Thiele
- Instructor
- Dr. Olli Saari
- Assistant
For as long as Corona measures require, the lectures will be recorded and posted online here. Username is studentmath, the password will be shared with enrolled or otherwise eligible students. If you are eligible and have not received a password, please contact the instructor.- Tuesday, 2(c.t.) - 4, online
- Thursday, 2(c.t.) - 4, online
Exercise classes:
- Monday 8:30, online, follow the instructions given in the exercise sheet.
- Due on Friday 24 April
- Due on Friday 1 May
- Due on Friday 8 May
- Due on Friday 15 May
- Due on Friday 22 May, typo corrected, second exercise relates to Def 38
- Due on Friday 29 May
- Due on Friday 5 June, missing factors added to definition of BMO.
- Due on Friday 12 June
- Due on Friday 19 June
- Due on Friday 26 June
- Due on Friday 3 July
- No additional exercises. Use the time for sheet 12 to review.
Lecture notes
Part A, Lectures 1-7
Part B, Lectures 8-14
Part C, Lectures 15-19
There will be online oral examinations taking place July 14,15,16.
Each exam is 30min.
Here is a list of topics for the exams.
- E. M. Stein, Harmonic Analysis: Real-Variable Methods, Orthogonality, and Oscillatory Integrals.
- E. M. Stein and R. Shakarchi, Functional analysis.
- C. Thiele and Y. Do, "Lp theory for outer measures and two themes of Lennart Carleson united", Bulletin AMS (N.S.) 52 (2015) 249-296
- Coifman, Jones, and Semmes, "Two Elementary Proofs of the L2 Boundedness of Cauchy Integrals on Lipschitz Curves".
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