Notes (published and unpublished)

    1. Moduli spaces of twisted sheaves and applications. Crafoord Symposium May 16, 2024 Slides
    2. Hyperkaehler geometry. ITS Colloquium Zurich May 30, 2022 Slides
    3. Nodal quintic surfaces and Fano variety of lines Talk at `Algebraic geometry' Paris May 2022. En l'honneur de Claire Voisin Slides
    4. Geometry of K3 surfaces and hyperkaehler manifolds. Plenary talk at the DMV annual meeting 2020. slides
    5. Stability structures on Lie algebras, after Kontsevich and Soibelman. Notes of talks in April and May 2009. Bonn (pdf-file )
    6. Complex and real multiplication for K3 surfaces. Notes of a talk at GAEL 2008 (pdf-file )
    7. Holomorphic symplectic manifolds and derived categories. Spring school Gargnano del Garda. Slides of my talks: (Introduction pdf-file ), (Generalized K3 surfaces pdf-file ), (Fourier--Mukai transforms pdf-file ), Autoequivalences of K3 surfaces pdf-file ), (Mirror symmetry for K3 surfaces pdf-file )
    8. Derived categories of smooth projective varieties. Slides of a talk at the `Conference on Algebro Geometric Derived Categories and Applications' at IAS Princeton. March 2008. (pdf-file )
    9. Derived equivalences and stability conditions (mainly for K3 surfaces). Notes of a talk at Intercity Seminar Algebraic Geometry. Amsterdam December 2007. (pdf-file )
    10. Projectivity of Kähler manifolds - Kodaira's problem (after C. Voisin) Bourbaki to appear in Asterisque math.AG/0512039
    11. Moduli of tori and the Narain moduli space. Notes of a talk in the lecture series with M. Lehn and M. Rosellen on "Moduli spaces of toroidal conformal field theories and T-duality". Workshop "Algebraic Aspects of Mirror Symmetry" . Kaiserslautern June 2001 (ps-file )
    12. Geometries on K3 surfaces and their symmetries. Notes of a Colloquium talk given in Berlin and Kyoto. (ps-file )
    13. Infinitesimal variation of harmonic forms and Lefschetz decomposition. Preprint 2001. 15 pages. math.AG /0102116
    14. The Kähler cone of a compact hyperkähler manifold. Preprint 1999. 24 pages (version September.1999 ).