Catharina Stroppel - List of students

Current PhD students:

  • Liao Wang

  • Daniel Bermudez Montana

Former PhD students:

    • Strange Divisibility in groups and rings pdf
    • How many tuples of group elements have a given property? With an appendix by Dmitrii V. Trushin. Internat. J. Algebra Comput. 24 (2014), no. 4, 413–428. arxiv
    • PhD Thesis: Gradings on the Brauer algebras and double affine BMW algebras
  • Tashi Walde (finished 2020)
    • Higher Segal spaces via higher excision arxiv
    • Homotopy coherent theorems of Dold-Kan type arxiv
    • 2-Segal spaces as invertible infinity-operads arxiv
    • Generalised BGP reflection functors via the Grothendieck construction arxiv
    • Simplicial structures in higher Auslander-Reiten theory arxiv
    • Master Thesis: Hall monoidal categories and categorical modules (supervised by T. Dyckerhoff, Hamburg) pdf
    • PhD Thesis: On the Theory of Higher Segal Spaces
  • Tomasz Przezdziecki (finished 2019)  (jt. with Gwyn Bellamy, Glasgow)
    • C*-actions on generalized Calogero Moser spaces and Hilbert schemes arxiv
    • Suzuki functor at the critical level arxiv
    • Quiver Schur Algebras and Cohomological Hall Algebras pdf
    • PhD Thesis: Rational Cherednik algebras, quiver Schur algebras and cohomological Hall algebras
  • Arik Wilbert (finished 2017)
    • Two-block Springer fibers of types C and D: a diagrammatic approach to Springer theory pdf
    • Singular TQFTs, foams and type D arc algebras arxiv with M. Ehrig, D. Tubbenhauer
    • Topology of two-row Springer fibers for the even orthogonal and symplectic group, arxiv to appear in Trans. Math.
    • PhD Thesis:Two-row Springer fibres, foams and arc algebras of type D
  • Joanna Meinel (finished 2016)
    • arxiv publications
    • Duflo Theorem for Generalized Weyl algebras arxiv J. Algebra Appl., 14, (2015), no. 10, 1550147, 21pp.
    • (with G. Benkart) The center of the affine nilTemperley-Lieb algebra   arxiv Math. Z. 284 (2016), no. 1-2, 413–439.
    • PhD Thesis: Affine nilTemperley-Lieb Algebras and Generalized Weyl Algebras (2016)
  • Antonio Sartori  (finished 2014)
    • The degenerate affine walled Brauer algebra. J. Algebra 417 (2014), 198-233. (journal of Algebra, arxiv version)
    • A diagram algebra for Soergel modules corresponding to smooth Schubert varieties. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 368 (2016), no. 2, 889–938. arxiv
    • (with C. Stroppel) Walled Brauer algebras as idempotent truncations of level 2 cyclotomic quotients. J. Algebra 440 (2015), 602–638.
    • The Alexander polynomial as quantum invariant of links. Ark. Mat. 53 (2015), no. 1, 177–202.arxiv
    • (with C. Stroppel) Categorification of tensor product representations of 𝔰𝔩k and category . J. Algebra 428 (2015), 256–291
    • PhD Thesis: Categorification of tensor powers of the vector representation of Uq(gl(1/1)).
  • Hoel Queffelec (finished 2014)
    • Skein modules from skew Howe duality and affine extensions SIGMA Symmetry Integrability Geom. Methods Appl. 11 (2015).
    • (with H. M. Russell) Chebyshev polynomials and the Frohman-Gelca formula. J. Knot Theory Ramifications 24 (2015), no. 4.
    • Khovanov homology is a skew Howe 2-representation of categorified quantum sl(m) , Algebr. Geom. Topol. 15 (2015), no. 5, 2517-2608.
    • PhD Thesis: Categorification des invariants quantiques des variations en dimension 3 (supervised with C. Blanchet)
  • Gisa Schaefer (finished 2014)
    • A cobordism category attached to Khovanov-Rozansky link homologies based on operads arxiv
    • PhD Thesis: Categorified Uq(sl(2)) theory using Bar-Natan's approach

Former Postdocs/Assistants

Former Master students

Former Bachelor students


Last update: April 17,  2024 by erisoez (at)