Daniel Huybrechts
Office 305
E-mail: D. Huybrechts
Tel.:+49-(0)228-73-3135 · Fax:-3257
Sekretariat: D. Mueller
Office 2.012
E-mail: D. Mueller
Tel.: +49-(0)228-73-7790 · Fax:-3257
Sprechstunde: Nach Absprache per email
Teaching SS 2025
- Algebraic Geometry II (V4A1): Details will be posted on eCampus. Algebra Geometry I is assumed
- Graduate Seminar/HyperK Seminar: Brauer groups and the period-index problem
Seminar Algebraic Geometry SAG
- WS 2024/25 HyperK Seminar: Arithmetic finiteness
- SS 2024 HyperK Seminar: K-stability & a special edition in Paris June 17-19
- SS 2023: Topics in hyperkaehler geometry IV joint with Paris
- WS 2022/23: Topics in hyperkaehler geometry III joint with Paris
- WS 2021: Topics in hyperkaehler geometry II joint with Paris
- SS 2021: Topics in hyperkaehler geometry I joint with Paris
- WS 2020/21: Moduli spaces of K3 surfaces and hyperkaehler manifolds joint with Paris
- SS 2020: Homological projective duality.
- Past