Bonn Topology Group

General Information - Members - Topology Seminar - Activities

Welcome to the home page of the topology group at the University of Bonn and the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics. The group consists of Professors Markus Hausmann, Wolfgang Lück and Stefan Schwede at the Mathematical Institute, Professor Peter Teichner at the Max Planck Institute, several Max Planck Research Group Leaders and various postdocs, PhD and Master students.

Research interests

Our main field of investigation is algebraic and differential topology. For the non-specialist, there is an archive of essays about algebraic topology. We have listed below our most representative research interests. The individual home pages, which you can access from the members page, contain further information.

Information for students

Prospective Master or PhD students are welcome to contact professors, advanced researchers or postdocs of the topology group. Possible sources of funding for graduate students are the International Max Planck Research School and the Bonn International Graduate School of Mathematics.


We collaborate through personal research projects, seminars or workshops with several other Institutes. Except for an extended break caused by the pandemic, topologists of Nordrhein-Westfalen meet twice a year at the NRW Topology Meeting.

Mailing lists

If you would like to receive emails with information about topology activities in Bonn, please subscribe to the Bonn topology mailing list. We kindly ask you to use your real name when subscribing so that we can verify that you are a human being with interest in topology (rather than a machine with interest in spam).