Bonn Topology Group

General Information - Members - Topology Seminar - Activities

Weekly schedule Winter 2024-25

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
8-10 Lecture Course
Topology I

Lecture Course
Algebraic Topology I
10-12 Lecture Course
Topology I
Graduate Seminar
The Adams spectral sequence
Master thesis seminar/Research seminar
Homotopy theory
Graduate Seminar
Topics in higher category theory
12-14 Lecture Course
Koszul Duality
Lecture Course
Koszul Duality
14-16 Lecture Course
Algebraic Topology I

Graduate Seminar
Higher algebra
Bachelor Seminar
Topological K-theory

Lecture Course
Topics in 3-manifold topology
16-18 Topology Seminar
(all topologists)

Weekly schedule Summer 2024

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
8-10 Lecture Course
Topologie II

Lecture Course
Algebraic Topology II
10-12 Lecture Course
Topologie II
Lecture Course
Homology and Homotopy of configuration spaces
Master thesis seminar/Research seminar
Homotopy theory
Lecture Course
Einführung in die Geometrie und Topologie

Lecture Course
Homology and Homotopy of configuration spaces
Lecture Course
Topology of 2-dimensional complexes

Lecture Course (unofficial, no credits for university students)
Introduction to algebraic K-theory
12-14 Lecture Course
Einführung in die Geometrie und Topologie
14-16 Lecture Course
Algebraic Topology II

Equivariant homotopy theory

Faserbündel und K-theorie

Lecture Course (unofficial, no credits for university students)
Introduction to algebraic K-theory
Homological stability
Topics in 4-manifolds
16-18 Topology Seminar
(all topologists)