Radu Toma
I am a fourth-year doctoral student in the Analytic Number Theory and Automorphic Forms group
at the University of Bonn, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Valentin Blomer.
I am particularly interested in automorphic forms in higher rank and the sup-norm problem, but also more classical number theory.
Starting autumn 2024 I'll be a postdoc in Paris with Farrell Brumley.
Here is my CV. You can reach me at
toma 🙈 math.uni-bonn.de
Publications and preprints
The sup-norm problem for newforms of large level on PGL(n),
Arxiv preprint: https://arxiv.org/abs/2401.02741
Hybrid bounds for the sup-norm of automorphic forms in higher rank,
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 376 (2023),
Arxiv preprint: https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.09923
Estimates for representation numbers of binary quadratic forms and Apollonian circle packings,
Journal of Number Theory, vol. 214, September 2020, pp. 399–413, doi:10.1016/j.jnt.2020.03.005
[ preprint ]
Atkin-Lehner operators for GL(n) * now part of my paper The sup-norm problem for newforms of large level on PGL(n),
This note explains how we may generalise the classical definition of Atkin-Lehner operators to GL(n) for n > 2. In particular, it contains a proof that the normaliser of the Hecke congruence group is trivial for n > 2, a definition for the Fricke involutions, and the (unfortunate) conclusion that there are no other Atkin-Lehner operators in these cases. [ pdf ]
The spectral theory of automorphic forms on SL(2, Z),
Part III Essay, University of Cambridge. This essay presents a proof of the spectral theorem for SL(2, Z). [ pdf ]
The arithmetic of binary quadratic forms,
Bachelor's thesis, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen. This thesis presents the theory of binary quadratic forms with a focus on representation numbers, non-fundamental discriminants, and an application to Apollonian circle packings. [ pdf ]
Current & Upcoming Activities
- Defence 16th of September, 16:00, Großer Hörsaal, Wegelerstr. 10. You can check out my thesis here.
Past Activities
Workshop Distribution of orbits: Arithmetics and Dynamics
Switzerland, 8.07 - 12.07.2024
- Organising HCM career event for docs and postdocs: April 19th!
Talk at the Texas A&M Number Theory Seminar
Online, 26.03.2024
Talk at the Renyi Number Theory Seminar
Budapest, 7.03.2024
Number theory learning seminar on the modern ergodic method for proving equidistribution results
Uni Bonn, WS23/24
Talk at the Copenhagen Number Theory Seminar
Zoom, 11.12.2023
Automorphic Forms and L-functions of higher rank
London, 11-15.09.2023
Talk at Y-RANT
Cambridge, 06-08.09.2023
Analysis of Automorphic Forms and L-Functions in Higher Rank
Oberwolfach, 08.05-02.06.2023
Talk at Arithmetic Statistics in Automorphic Forms and Analytic Number Theory
Lausanne, 05-09.06.2023
Talk at the Number theory seminar of ETH Zürich,
Zürich, 28.10.2022
Research stay at EPFL, Chair of Analytic Number Theory,
Lausanne, September - December 2022
Talk at
Building Bridges 5,
Sarajevo, 09.08.2022
On the sup-norm of automorphic forms in higher rank
Talk at the
Workshop for Young Researchers in Mathematics, Simion Stoilow Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy,
online, 05.05.2022
On the sup-norm of automorphic forms
Talk (recorded) at the
Renyi Automorphic Forms Seminar,
online, 05.05.2022
Hybrid bounds for the sup-norm of automorphic forms in higher rank (slides)
Talk at
ENTR Seminar,
online, 20.04.2022
On the sup-norm of automorphic forms
- Co-organised a conference, Young Scholars in the Analytic Theory of Numbers and Automorphic Forms, 28-29 March 2022, at the University of Bonn, for doctoral students and postdocs.
Talk at
Cambridge Junior Algebra/Number Theory seminar,
online, 4.02.2022
How loud is an arithmetic drum?
Talk at
Laboratoire Paul Painlevé, Seminaire d'Arithmétique & study group on L-functions
Lille, 21.10.2021
Estimates for binary quadratic forms and Appollonian circle packings
- Studentischer Vertreter im Vorstand des Mathematischen Instituts, 2021-2022
- TA for Einführung in die Algebra, WS 21/22
Video for 3blue1brown's Sommer of Math Exposition:
The video explains in an accessible way (high-school / first-year uni level) how roots of unity and cyclotomic polynomials can help us solve a problem about comparing weights of several objects simultaneously.
Radu TomaMathematisches Institut
Endenicher Allee 60
53115 Bonn, Germany
Office: N1.009
E-Mail: toma (at) math.uni-bonn.de
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