

WS 22/23Seminar: Graduate Seminar on Topology
SS 22:Lecture course: Topology II
Organization of the Bachelorbegleitseminar
WS 21/22:Lecture course: Topology I
SS 21:Lecture course: Einführung in die Geometrie und Topologie
WS 20/21:Lecture course: Rechen- und Argumentationstechniken
SS 20:Seminar: Characteristic classes II
WS 19/20:Seminar: Characteristic classes
Assistant for the lecture course: Algebraic Topology I
SS 19:Lecture course: Topology II
WS 18/19:S2D3 – Hauptseminar Differentialtopologie (with Wolfgang Lück)
Lecture course: Geometric Group Theory
Assistant for the lecture course: Topologie I
SS 18:S1G1-Seminar: Darstellungstheorie endlicher Gruppen (with Christian Wimmer)
Assistant for the lecture course: Einführung in die Geometrie und Topologie
WS 17/18:Seminar: Knot theory (with Christoph Winges)
SS 17:Assistant for the lecture course: Einführung in die Geometrie und Topologie
Seminar: Lie groups (with Viktoriya Ozornova)
WS 16/17:Assistant for the lecture course: Algebraic Topology I
Seminar: The Farrell-Jones conjecture (with Mark Ullmann, Christoph Winges and Jianchao Wu)
SS 16:Geometric Topology Seminar (with Wolfgang Lück and Peter Teichner)