Geometric Group Theory
V5D4 - Selected Topics in Geometry
Wintersemester 2018/19

Lecturer: Daniel Kasprowski
Time and place: Thursdays 10-12h, SR 0.011
The oral exams will take place in the weeks February 4th - 8th and March 18th - 22nd.
The schedule for the second week can be found here. If you are not on the list but have registered for the exam please write me an email as soon as possible.


Clara Löh, Geometric Group Theory. An Introduction.
Universitext, Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-72253-5, 01/2018.

Kai-Uwe Bux, Lecture notes "Important groups"
In particular, Lecture 4 on Stalling's theorem

Jean-Pierre Serre, Trees

Rostislav Grigorchuk, Igor Pak, Groups of Intermediate Growth: An Introduction for Beginners (This contains the material abouth growth of groups from the first two weeks in 2019)

G. Bell and A. Dranishnikov, Asymptotic Dimension, in particular Theorems 37, 64 and 89.

John Roe, Lectures on Coarse Geometry

Lectures notes for the first part can be found here. Note that these notes are not proof-read and don't contain all details.