Dr. Philipp Schlicht
Winter 2017/18
teaching a Lecture course: Advanced topics in mathematical logic - Forcing axioms and their applications, with Philipp Lücke
teaching a Graduate seminar on set theory with Peter Holy, Peter Koepke and Philipp Lücke
Summer 2017
teaching a Seminar on mathematical logic on type theory, with Peter Koepke
organizing the Oberseminar Mathematische Logik, with Peter Holy, Peter Koepke and Philipp Lücke
Winter 2016/17
responsible for the problem sets for Set theory, with Peter Koepke
organizing the Oberseminar Mathematische Logik, with Peter Holy, Peter Koepke and Philipp Lücke
Summer 2016
teaching a Lecture course: Advanced topics in mathematical logic - Forcing axioms and their applications, with Philipp Lücke
responsible for the problem sets for Einführung in die Mathematische Logik, with Philipp Lücke
organizing the Oberseminar Mathematische Logik, with Peter Holy, Peter Koepke and Philipp Lücke
Winter 2015/16
teaching a lecture course Logik II: set theory at the Universität Münster
teaching a seminar on surreal and hyperreal numbers with Prof. Ralf Schindler at the Universität Münster
Summer 2015
teaching a lecture course Logik I: mathematical logic at the Universität Münster
teaching a seminar on set theorz with Prof. Ralf Schindler at the Universität Münster
Winter 2014/15
teaching a lecture course: Introduction to set theory, with Philipp Lücke
teaching a graduate seminar: Introduction to model theory with Philipp Lücke
organizing the Oberseminar Mathematische Logik with Philipp Lücke
Summer 2014
teaching a lecture course: Advanced topics in mathematical logic: Forcing with Philipp Lücke
responsible for the problem sets for the set theory lecture course
organizing the Oberseminar Mathematische Logik with Philipp Lücke
Winter 2013/14
teaching a graduate seminar on large cardinals with Philipp Lücke and Peter Koepke
responsible for the problem sets for Models of set theory II
organizing the Oberseminar Mathematische Logik
responsible for the problem sets for the set theory lecture course
Summer 2013
teaching a lecture course on descriptive set theory together with Stefan Geschke
organizing the Oberseminar Mathematische Logik
Winter 2012/13
responsible for the problem sets for the set theory lecture course
teaching a beginner's seminar on number theory with Prof. Peter Koepke
organizing the Oberseminar Mathematische Logik
Summer 2012
teaching a lecture course on iterated ultrapowers
teaching a graduate seminar on set theory with Prof. Peter Koepke on proper forcing
organizing the Oberseminar Mathematische Logik
Winter 2011/2012
teaching a graduate seminar on set theory with Prof. Peter Koepke on stationary tower forcing
organizing the Oberseminar Mathematische Logik
responsible for the problems to Prof. Peter Koepke's and Thoralf Räsch's course Mathematik für Physiker und Physikerinnen I
Summer 2011
teaching a Graduate seminar on logic with Prof. Peter Koepke on Boolean ultrapowers
organizing the Oberseminar Mathematische Logik
responsible for the problems for Prof. Stefan Geschke's course Models of set theory I
teaching a seminar with Prof. Peter Koepke on curves, the Jordan curve theorem, and the isoperimetric inequality
Winter 2010
organizing the Fourth Young Set Theory Workshop
organizing the Oberseminar Mathematische Logik
teaching a graduate seminar on set theory with Prof. Stefan Geschke based on Randall McCutcheon's book Elemental Methods in Ergodic Ramsey Theory (Springer Lecture Notes 1722)
teaching a Hauptseminar Mathematische Logik with Prof. Peter Koepke and Merlin Carl on concrete incompleteness in arithmetic.
Summer 2010
- teaching a graduate seminar on logic with Prof. Stefan Geschke on descriptive set theory, the G_0 and the E_0 dichotomies, and countable group actions