Bonn Mathematical Logic Group

Graduate seminar on logic (S4A3)


Zeit und Ort

Tuesdays 14:15-16:00 at seminar room C, Beringstrasse 1 .


Diplom students and members of the logic group will give talks on the following subjects.


8 April Karen Räsch "Shelah's proof of diamond on successor cardinals" (Ausformulierung)
15 April Merlin Carl "Acceptable J-structures, part 1"
22 April Merlin Carl "Acceptable J-structures, part 2 and the first projectum, part 1"
29 April Merlin Carl "The first projectum, part 2"
6 May Jip Veldman "Downward and upward extension of embeddings, part 1"
13 May - no session (Pfingstwoche)
20 May Jip Veldman "Downward and upward extension of embeddings, part 2"
27 May Jip Veldman "Downward and upward extension of embeddings, part 3" and Tim Fischbach "Iterated projecta, part 1"
3 June Tim Fischbach "Iterated projecta, part 2 and standard parameters"
10 June Ioanna Dimitriou "Solidity witnesses"
17 June - no session (CiE 2008 in Athens)
24 June Ioanna Dimitriou "Solidity witnesses part 2, and fine ultrapowers part 1"


Last changed: 9 June 2008