Markus Hausmann

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Information for students interested in working with me

Here in Bonn, all PhD admissions in Mathematics are organized through the BIGS (Bonn International Graduate School). Please check the link for instructions on how to apply and the deadline for the next call. If you are interested in working with me, please make sure to list my name as a potential supervisor.

Master theses:
If you are considering to write a master thesis under my supervision, please contact me at least one month before you want to start writing the thesis.

Bachelor theses:
The topology group has a synchronized presentation of bachelor topics from various supervisors, usually at one of the 'Topology I' lectures in December, for theses to be written in the following summer term. This is the standard and preferred way to write a bachelor thesis in topology. If you would like to write your thesis during a different time of the year, please contact me or one of my colleagues.

List of current and past students

PhD students:

Master students:

Bachelor students: