Viktória Klász

I am currently a second-year PhD student of Prof. Dr. Jan Schröer at the University of Bonn. I have completed my BSc in mathematics at the Technical University of Munich, and my MSc at the University of Bonn. I wrote my master’s thesis under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Jan Schröer with the title Maximal green sequences for quivers and finite-dimensional algebras.
Research interests
I’m interested in the representation theory of quivers and finite-dimensional algebras. Currently, I am mostly focusing on the representation theory of Auslander-Gorenstein algebras. I am also interested in homological algebra and I especially enjoy investigating the connections between combinatorics and representation theory.
Publications and preprints
- V. Klász, R. Marczinzik, J. Marquardt:
Nakayama algebras of small homological dimension and pattern avoiding permutations. - K. Erdmann, V. Klász, R. Marczinzik (with an appendix by B. Böhmler and R. Marczinzik):
Selfextensions of modules over group algebras.
Journal of Algebra Volume 649, 1 July 2024, Pages 319-346.
Upcoming Activities
WINART4 Workshop
BIRS, 23-28.03.2025
Past Activities
Talk at the workshop Women in Representation Theory: quivers, mutations, and beyond
Bielefeld, 04-06.09.2024
Masterclass on Derived Category Methods in Ring Theory
Aarhus, 12-17.08.2024
Summer School in Algebraic Combinatorics
MPI Leipzig, 15-19.07.2024
Talk at the Köln Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar:
The Auslander-Gorenstein condition for monomial algebras
Cologne, 18.06.2024
Co-organising an HCM career event for docs and postdocs
Bonn, 19.04.2024 -
Talk at the Aarhus Homological Algebra Seminar:
The Auslander-Gorenstein condition for monomial algebras
Aarhus, 03.04.2024
- Combinatorial Coworkspace
Kleinwalsertal, 18-23.03.2024 - Cluster Algebras and Its Applications
Oberwolfach, 14-19.01.2024 - Arbeitsgemeinschaft: Cluster Algebras
Oberwolfach, 08-13.10.2023 -
Talk at the 90th Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire:
Connections between representation theory of algebras and combinatorics
Bad Boll, 03-06.09.2023 - Poster at the conference Homological Algebra and Representation Theory
Samos, 10-14.07.2023 - Representation Theory of Quivers and Finite-Dimensional Algebras
Oberwolfach, 12-18.02.2023
Viktória Klász
Mathematisches Institut
Endenicher Allee 60
53115 Bonn, Germany
Office: N2.003
Email: klasz (at)
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