Our publication series
Scientific editor: Prof. Peter Koepke
Technical editor: Ioanna Dimitriou
Our logic group publishes online a series of reports, dissertations and other publications:
- Technical Reports (TR),
- Prepublications (P),
- Master's theses (MT) (also includes Diplom theses), and
- PhD theses (PhD).
Note that not all publications by our members are published in the this publication series. For complete lists of publications of our members, please consult each member's website.
To submit a file for publication, or to order printed and bound copies of our reports and dissertations, please contact Peter Koepke.
The coding for the publications is series-year-number. Below is a list of the publications so far, in reverse order.
- MT-2008-01
- Naproche summer internship report of Shruti Gupta, for the mathematical logic group in Bonn. The project lasted the summer semester 2008.
- MT-2008-02
- Naproche summer internship report of Bhoomija Ranjan, for the mathematical logic group in Bonn. The project lasted the summer semester 2008.
- TR-2008-01
- Workshop report of the "Young researchers in set theory" workshop that took place in Bonn in January 2008.
- TR-2007-01
- Workshop report of the "Bonn International Workshop on Ordinal Computation" (BIWOC). Includes extended abstracts, papers, open problems and some solutions.
- TR-2006-01
- Workshop report of the "Colloquium Logicum 2006" , the biennial meeting of the German society for mathematical logic that took place in Bonn in September 2006.