Research Seminar Global Analysis

Prof. Dr. M. Lesch, Prof. Dr. W. Müller

Wintersemester 2009/2010

13.10.09 Alan Carey (ANU Canberry, Australien)
Twisted geometric cycles
20.10.09 Ruben Jakob (Duisburg)
Heinz' Darstellung und Dimension des Kerns von Schwarz-Operatoren polygonal berandeter Minimalflaechen
27.10.09 Thomas Schick (Goettingen)
Index theory for local boundary value problems
03.11.09 Jens Kaad (Kopenhagen)
Invariance results for pairings with algebraic K-theory
Abstract: We show that the Chern-Connes character which maps a finitely summable Fredholm module to the class of the index cocycle in non-periodic cyclic cohomology is invariant under Schatten ideal perturbations. This motivates the introduction of a new K-homology type functor which pairs with cyclic homology. By means of the Connes-Karoubi multiplicative character the result can be extended to a pairing between this new finitely summable K-homology and algebraic K-theory.
10.11.09 Julie Rowlett (HCM, Bonn)
A defect in the heat trace for polygons
Abstract: In response to Kac's famous question, "can one hear the shape of a drum?" McKean and Singer proved that "one can hear the number of holes." Their proof used the small time asymptotics of the heat trace. In the introduction, McKean and Singer also discussed a "defect" in the heat trace on polygons. At approximately the same time, this defect was observed by Fedosov, Lebedev, and computed in an unpublished work by Ray. I will discuss joint work with R. Mazzeo in which we give an explicit formula which accounts for the appearance of this "defect" in the heat trace on polygonal domains.
17.11.09 Heiko Gimperlein (Hannover)
Spectral projections and the eta function of boundary problems
24.11.09 Jürgen Eichhorn (Greifswald, z.Zt. MPI)
Classification of open manifolds
08.12.09 Stefan Bechtluft-Sachs (Maynooth)
Existenz von Minimierern und untere Schranken für geometrische Funktionale
12.01.10 Matthias Lesch (Bonn)
Zeta-determinants of 2nd order regular singular operators
Abstract: I will present a formula for the zeta--regularised determinant of second order differential operators with a regular singular point and arbitrary separated boundary conditions. I will also make a few comments on the history of the problem. The talk is based on joint work with Boris Vertman.
19.01.10 Ryszard Nest (Copenhagen)
Algebraic index theorem for symplectic deformations of gerbes
Abstract: We will describe deformation theory of symplectic manifolds twisted by a gerb, and give an index theorem in this context.
02.02.10 Jonathan Pfaff (Bonn)
Selberg trace formula and spectra of locally symmetric spaces
Abstract: We will study the counting function of the eigenvalues of the Bochner-Laplace operator on certain vector bundles over a compact locally symmetric space. The main tool will be the Selberg trace formula.


• Tuesday, 14:15 in room 008, Endenicher Allee 60
• Talks last for about an hour plus discussion

Past semester programm

Sommersemester 2009
Wintersemester 2008/2009
Sommersemester 2008
Wintersemester 2007/2008
Sommersemester 2007
Wintersemester 2006/2007
Sommersemester 2006
Wintersemester 2005/2006