Young set theory workshop
Speakers & participants
Discussion sessions
Schedule, booklet, photos & notes


Please follow the following instructions:

1. Do not use self-defined macros and environments, e.g. \newcommand.

2. Use only the latexsym and amysymb packages.

3. Do not use bibtex, because it is difficullt to make multiple bibliographies in one document. Please use insted the following format:

\bibitem{Pbn} P.\ Borodulin--Nadzieja, {\em On measures on minimally generated Boolean algebras}, Topology Appl. \textbf{154} (2007) 3107--3124.
\bibitem{Hrusak} F.\ Hernandez-Hernandez, M.\ Hrusak \emph{Cardinal invariants of P-ideals}, preprint.