Thorben Kastenholz

I'm a postdoc in mathematics at the Karlsruhe Institut of Technology. Before that I was a postdoc in Göttingen working under Thomas Schick. Even earlier, I was a PhD student at the University of Bonn supervised by Ursula Hamenstädt.

I'm mainly interested in geometric and differential topology. To be more precise I'm interested in characteristic classes and understanding fiber bundles. Furthermore I'm interested in understanding the quantitative and geometric properties of a given singular or bordism homology class, like for example finding a surface representative of minimal genus of a second homology class or determining the simplicial volume of manifolds.

Outside of mathematics I'm mostly interested in powerlifting and coding various stuff ranging from simple programs that help with my research, over trying to build a trading bot, to solving the coding puzzles from Project Euler.



Thorben Kastenholz
Karlsruher Institut of Technology
Englerstrasse 2
76128 Karlsruhe, Germany

Office: 1.036
E-Mail: kastenholz at