Seminar on Jacobians of Curves - Summer Term 2022

Dr. Andreas Mihatsch
Endenicher Allee 60, Room 4.024
Tel.: 0228-73-62369
E-mail: mihatsch (add

Dr. Johannes Anschütz
Endenicher Allee 60, Room 4.027
Tel.: 0228-73-2216
E-mail: ja (add

Time & Place Tue 4:15 -- 5:45 pm
Zeichensaal, Wegelerstr. 10
Content Seminar Program

About this Seminar

The Jacobian of a curve is the variety that parametrizes its degree 0 line bundles. Its construction is not only classical and beautiful, but also involves interesting techniques from algebraic geometry. The seminar will explore these and related concept in detail. More precise information may be found in the program (see above).

Talk Notes

1 - Line bundles on curves
2 - Smooth morphisms
3 - Hilbert scheme of points
4 - Hilbert scheme for curves
5 - Symmetric powers of curves
6 - Representability of Pic I
7 - Representability of Pic II
8 - The Abel--Jacobi Map
10 - Jacobians of compact Riemann surfaces
11 - Abelian Varieties I
12 - Abelian Varieties II
13 - Separable Isogenies
14 - The Dual abelian variety