Cluster-tilted algebras of Dynkin type E8

The image below shows the standard forms of the 15 derived equivalence classes of cluster-tilted algebras of Dynkin type E8 along with their associated polynomials.

Each class is represented by one quiver; it is the quiver of a cluster-tilted algebra within that class satisfying certain minimality conditions. Arrows which are displayed without orientation can be oriented arbitrarily.

Click on a quiver to see the complete list of cluster-tilted algebras in the corresponding derived equivalence class.

E8 standard forms Derived class 1 Derived class 2 Derived class 3 Derived class 10 Derived class 5 Derived class 4 Derived class 6 Derived class 13 Derived class 7 Derived class 15 Derived class 12 Derived class 14 Derived class 9 Derived class 8 Derived class 11