To register, please send an email to ystw2011 at as soon as possible to be guaranteed a place. The registration deadline is January 3, 2011. Late registration is possible, but we cannot guarantee a place. Registration as a day guest is possible until March 1.
The registration fee of 350 Euros includes accomodation in double rooms and meals. Please transfer the registration fee by January 20, 2011 to our account and make sure to put "PN10260098, 28211" in the comment. If you are travelling from a non-European country and have a problem with transferring the registration fee, you can also pay in cash on the first day of the workshop.
If you wish to participate in the conference as a day guest, the reduced registration fee is 135 Euros for 5 days and will cover your meals. If you stay for part of the workshop only, please contact the organizers for details.
Please send a one page research statement in latex and pdf format by March 04, 2011. No macros in the tex will be accepted.
If you need a reservation before or after the conference, please let us know.