
If you have any question about the workshop, please send an email to ystw2011 at or schlicht at

For remarks concerning the website please email Ioanna Dimitriou at dimitri at

On the right is a list with the committee members. Clicking on a name will lead you to their website, if available.

Organizing Committee

Andrew Brooke-Taylor (Bristol)
Benjamin Seyfferth (Bonn)
Ioanna Dimitriou (Bonn), website
Miguel Angel Mota(Vienna)
Philipp Schlicht (Bonn), chair
Thilo Weinert (Bonn)

Scientific Committee

Bart Kastermans (Boulder), chair
Daisuke Ikegami (Helsinki)
Julien Melleray (Lyon)
Marcin Sabok (Warsaw)
Sean Cox (Münster)
Thomas Johnstone (New York)
Vera Fischer (Vienna)